Reject the Sri Lanka Sodomy Bill

The private member’s bill submitted by MP Premanath Dolawatta to repeal the sections 365 and 365A of the Sri Lanka Penal Code is a result of subservience to the directions of the UN Human Rights Committee and the radical feminist UN CEDAW Committee, and of the pressure from Western Governments and supranational organisations.

The Dolawatta Sodomy bill seeks to sanction public displays of unnatural carnal intercourse, even among young persons of age 16; and to provide a privileged “equality” to hedonistic and degenerate behaviour.

The Supreme Court has interpreted this bill as legalising “any sexual conduct” “in private or public” “irrespective of sexual orientation”. Special rights or special “equality” for LGBT-identifying persons would permit “grossly indecent behaviour”, while questions of morality have been said to be outside the scope of the legislature.

Committing sodomy does not enrich a person’s dignity, and liberty is better employed in pursuing virtue. Every human being has dignity, but every act is not equal in dignity.

The equality for pansexual practices, expressions and associations, and the insane acceptance of transgenderism where a woman may be legally a man, will provide rights for the LGBTQIA+ ideologies to infiltrate the educational curricula and media channels. Teachers will be bound teach children about the “normalcy” and “equality” of deviant sexual behaviour, and of unnatural familial relationships. It will be deemed “harassment” to declare that the natural family – where one man marries one woman and they have children, is the bedrock of society.

Nations can be strong when the citizens are fortified with wholesome values, and when families are stable, united and flourishing. The United Nations Organisation seeks to legalise abortion, LGBTQ+, and sexual education for children in order to denigrate our nation, and tear up the very fabric of society.

There is no need to repeal the penal code. Those who commit abominable acts in private already do so freely.

Sanctioning homosexual lifestyles lead not only to proliferation of STDs in society and a consequent burden on healthcare resources, scandal in public and diminution of morals, but also harms the practitioners physically and mentally – as evidenced in nations that have legalised LGBT.

This is an appeal to the Government of Sri Lanka to stand by sound principles and weather the international pressures to obey and conform: Withdraw the disastrous Dolawatte Sodomy bill, for the sake of our children, the future of our nation.

Yours sincerely,

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