Open Letter to SBS TV World News

Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014

News Editor

Your reporting on Sri Lanka is biased and pathetic; looks like you have been bought over by the Tamil Tigers like UK’s
Channel 4.

On the 6:30 pm SBS TV World News on Wed 5 Feb. you said that a New Advocacy Group consisting of international lawyers have found ‘new’ evidence of war crimes and destruction of evidence by the Sri Lankan Army etc.

There is nothing new to this allegation that is regurgitated every six months ahead of UNHRC sessions by the well-funded Tamil Tiger diaspora and their western hirelings including academics, lawyers and other activists.

The unholy Fr Emmanuel from UK Tigers, the equivalent of Sheik Abu Bakr Bashir of Indonesia who inspired the Bali bombing, has arrived in Australia to drum up support in their campaign against Sri Lanka.

The Aussie Tigers have cobbled up some lawyers to form a ‘new’ advocacy group who make ‘new discoveries’ and you are ‘induced’ broadcast that rubbish.

These allegations have been debunked by the only  two journalists who were on the frontline of the military campaign and also written a book (vide attachment).

Also by a Tamil Doctor who served in the battle zone  (vide attachment).

You also showed a so called expert on terrorism ,a professor from Middlesex University, without knowing his background.
He was not in Sri Lanka during the war on Tamil Tiger terror and gets all the info from his wine & dine-Tamil friends.

He is unheard of !

The best and only expert on Sri Lanka (& even Al Qaeda) is Prof Rohan Gunaratne of Nanyang University
of Singapore who has debriefed several captured Tiger terrorists. He has given many talks in Australia & been even consulted by the Canadian Government.

So to borrow a phrase from a former Prime Minister, ” Don’t report crap”.

Asoka Kuruppu

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